FT. MYERS 239.275.2500

Most people have the misconception that working from home is a breeze and a go at your own pace work environment. In all actuality, working at home from a virtual office space can be a lot harder than a normal work environment. When you are your own boss, it can become very easy to getRead More

December 22nd, 2015

Posted In: Office news, virtual office space

There are a number of challenges a small business owner will face on a regular basis. If you are looking for a job that does not have a lot of stress attached to it, then being a business owner is not for you. One of the main objectives a business owner has is growth andRead More

April 28th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, virtual office space

For many new small business owners, staying on budget is an essential part of staying afloat, which is why an overwhelming amount of small business owners are opting for virtual office space over traditional office space. A virtual office gives the business owners some of the same advantages that a regular office space will justRead More

July 24th, 2014

Posted In: virtual office space