FT. MYERS 239.275.2500

In the world of small business, nothing is more important than closing a deal. There are a number of different hurdles you have to get over when trying to make business deals, but they are well worth the trouble you go through. In order to become a master at doing these deals, you will haveRead More

May 5th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, private offices

There are a number of challenges a small business owner will face on a regular basis. If you are looking for a job that does not have a lot of stress attached to it, then being a business owner is not for you. One of the main objectives a business owner has is growth andRead More

April 28th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, virtual office space

In the world of business, there is nothing as important as having great leads. There are a number of strategies you can use to obtain these leads, but the real trick is to keep your business fresh in the mind of prospective customers. In order to keep a cold lead from jumping ship, you willRead More

April 21st, 2015

Posted In: executive suites, Office news

One of the hardest things a person will ever have to do is to start their own business. With all of the varying factors you have to consider, getting your business off the ground can be very challenging. For most new business owners, choosing a virtual office space rental is the best option due toRead More

April 14th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, virtual office space rental

One of the most rewarding things a person can do in their life is to start their own business. In order to be a successful business owner, you will have to become a master of moving forward at all costs. There will be some definite road blocks along the way, but persevering will get youRead More

April 7th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, private offices

Running a business can be a bit of a stressful process, but worth it when you consider the benefits of being your own boss. The larger your company becomes, the more employees you will ultimately have to hire to lighten the workload. By hiring more employees, you will have a new responsibility of keeping themRead More

March 31st, 2015

Posted In: conference rooms, Office news

Among the biggest decisions a new small business owner will make is where they will set up shop at. With all of the many options out there in the world of serviced office space, you will need to find a way to narrow the field. By having a firm grasp on what you are lookingRead More

March 24th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, serviced office

One of the hardest times a person can go through is when they are first starting a small business. The confusion you feel during this time can become a bit overwhelming but will subside once you get a game plan. The first thing you will need to figure out when first starting your business isRead More

March 17th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, virtual office address

There are so many different things a small business owner has to worry about and trying to keep up with everything can become a bit overwhelming at times. One of the most destructive forces to a small business is disorganization and doing all you can to protect against this should be a top priority. TryingRead More

March 10th, 2015

Posted In: Office news, office rental

Starting a small business can be a very intimidating process and without the proper planning it can be a short lived venture. In order to be successful in the world of small business, you will have to make sure to you do the proper amount of research when it comes to things like an officeRead More

March 3rd, 2015

Posted In: Office news, office rental

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