FT. MYERS 239.275.2500

In order to be a success in the world of small business, the owner will need to find a way to surround themselves with the right people. There are usually a number of different candidates when hiring for positions within in an office rental, which will require a business owner to do a bit ofRead More

April 20th, 2018

Posted In: fort myers office space, naples office space, office rental, office space, office space for rent

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Client celebration dates Please take this opportunity to mix and mingle with other premier Executive Center businesses.   Join us on the dates below and meet your neighbors: Thursday November 21st Thanksgiving luncheon from 12:30 p.m. To 1:30 p.m. Famous annual slow-roasted and stuff turkey sandwiches Monday December 2nd –  Hanukkah lighting of the candles atRead More

November 21st, 2013

Posted In: naples office space, Office news

Office Space Made Easy! However challenging it may be to find an office space in SW Florida, it is worth every penny you spend. Fort Myers and Naples are especially inviting to upcoming companies or companies that wish to relocate their offices or expand their market reach. Premier Executive Center’s in Naples and Fort Myers offersRead More

August 29th, 2013

Posted In: fort myers office space, naples office space, office space

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